Element List Current Quarter Similar quarter for previous year %Change Previous Quarter % Change
Sales/Revenue 527,902,502 552,301,709 -4.417 540,154,282 -2.268
Gross Profit (Loss) 135,748,804 110,949,107 22.352 133,762,928 1.484
Operational Profit (Loss) 128,637,782 104,634,739 22.939 127,099,071 1.21
Net profit (Loss) 112,443,748 85,718,849 31.177 112,849,135 -0.359
Total Comprehensive Income 111,785,211 86,202,065 29.678 109,225,470 2.343
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Current Period Similar period for previous year %Change
Sales/Revenue 1,432,475,697 821,415,225 74.391
Gross Profit (Loss) 355,928,939 137,737,450 158.411
Operational Profit (Loss) 342,525,846 120,719,562 183.736
Net profit (Loss) 296,537,584 87,950,945 237.162
Total Comprehensive Income 292,203,048 88,783,818 229.117
Total Shareholders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 1,049,616,294 672,724,624 56.024
Profit (Loss) per Share 9.41 2.79
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Amount Percentage of the capital (%)
Profit (Losses) Resulting From The Change In Investment Propertie’s Fair Value
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals

Element List Explanation
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is The company recorded revenues of SAR 528 million for the third quarter of FY24-25, compared to revenues of SAR 552 million in the similar quarter of FY 23-24 (“3Q-FY 23-24”), which is mainly due to the relative decrease in sales volumes and average selling price.
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is The company recorded net profit of SAR 112 million for the third quarter of FY24-25, compared to net profit of SAR 86 millio

By |2025-01-30T12:55:16+00:00January 30th, 2025|

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