

Does East Pipes pay dividends?2022-01-24T10:39:34+00:00

Information relating to East Pipes’ dividends distribution policy will be available in due course.

How can I get the current East Pipes stock price?2022-03-15T09:38:24+00:00

East Pipes is listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) under the ticker symbol “1321” and “TADAWUL: 1321”. Full information on the share price is available on the Saudi Exchange website

When does East Pipes’ financial year start and end?2022-01-24T10:50:05+00:00

East Pipes financial year starts on 1 April and ends on 31 March the following year.

When are East Pipes’ earnings announced?2022-01-24T10:58:41+00:00

East Pipes announces its financial results quarterly and annually in a timely manner, in line with local regulations

When is the next annual shareholders meeting?2022-01-24T11:00:20+00:00

The next ordinary general shareholders meeting will take place following the Company’s fourth quarter results, for the period ending 31st March 2022. The date will be confirmed closer to the time of the meeting.

Where can I get more information about East Pipes?2022-01-24T11:11:31+00:00

You can find out more about East Pipes on the “At a Glance” section in the main website.

Where can I get information about East Pipes’ Board of Directors?2022-01-28T07:05:23+00:00

Further information on the Board of Directors can be found on the ‘Leadership’ section of the main website .

How can I contact East Pipes’ Investor Relations team?2022-01-24T11:14:17+00:00

More information can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ section on the Investor Relations Section on the main web site.

Where can I get a copy of the latest financial results?2022-01-24T11:15:09+00:00

East Pipes’ latest financial results and the associated presentations and quarterly materials are available in the “IR Library” section of the Investor Relations webpage, as well as on the Saudi Exchange website.

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